
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts

Year 1


Welcome to our Year 1 Class Page!



Welcome to the Summer term in Year 1!

Here you will find lots of information about our current learning, how you can learn at home, reminders and information about all of our Year 1 events.


We have two classes in Year 1.


1 Rowan

Mrs Carr


1 Birch

Miss Farren


This half term our topic is:

Which creation will help to improve our lives?


Our Christian Value this half term is: Faithfulness.

Our British Value this half term is: Tolerance and The rule of law.



What will we be focusing on in each subject?

Summer One 2024


Key vocabulary which you can also discuss with your child is highlighted in blue.

Key questions which you can discuss with your child are highlighted in green.



Talk for Writing Text: Room on the Broom


Beginning, Middle, End, Characters, Settings, Innovation.


What happens in the story? Where is the story set? What happens next? After? Before?


Writing Outcomes:

Begin to use the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ in their writing.

Use the conjunction ‘and’ to join sentences.

Know the prefix ‘un’ and begin to use it in their writing.

Use a variety of adjectives and time connectives in our writing.


Reading Outcome:

Make predictions about the events in the text.

Read a range of poetry and learn some poems and rhymes by heart.

Read and add ‘ing’, ‘ed’ and ‘er’ to verbs.




Number: Multiplication and division

Measurement: Capacity and volume.


Groups, equal, capacity, volume, mass, heavier, lighter, full and empty.


How many equal groups of .... are there?

How can we measure capacity?

How can we measure and compare volume?

Can you count in 2s, 5s and 10s?












roots, stem, flower, seed, light, water, soil.


What to plants need in order to grow?

What are the parts of a plant and how do they help it to stay alive?








Geography- Our local area 

We will be talking about towns, villages and cities and spending time exploring the human and physical geographical features of our local area.

City, Village, Town, local area, human and physical geography

What do we see in our local area? What are the human and physical geographical features?


History- How has Little Harwood changed over time?


How has our local area changed over time?

Why do we keep some old buildings and not others?

How has our community changed over time?







God and creation.


God, creation, life, world.


Why is it important to help others?

Who are today's creators?

What is God's best creation?



Reflect upon the miracles of creation and understand that God created the world and it is precious.



What can we do with money?

money, spend, save, charity, helping.


Have we ever received money and where did it come from? What do we do with our money? Where do other people get money from?


Discuss ways of earning, spending and saving money.  Learn about where we can safely keep our money.




You can find out more about our learning on our Year 1 Curriculum Map

Year 1 Curriculum Map


Please have a look at our Year 1 Curriculum Map which will give you a detailed overview of our learning this year in all subject areas. It also gives you extra exciting information about any trips, visits and additional learning experiences the children will enjoy this year!


Year 1 Curriculum Newsletters - 2023/2024

Autumn 1 Learning Journey

Autumn 2 Learning Journey

Useful websites


Showbie -

Zoom -

My Maths -

Times Tables Rockstars -

Oxford Owl -

Oak National Academy -

White Rose Maths -

Ruth Miskin - Parents - Ruth Miskin Literacy

Phonics play - PhonicsPlay

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